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A significant part of my life is photography. My humble foray into the camera was not the mechanism itself but the tripod. Somewhere in the 2000s my father forgot his camera tripod at home for his annual Hockey Team photos chronicling the receding hairlines of the Veteran West Magpies one season at a time. This time, young Michelle conveniently the height of said tripod, took her step towards

a fond pastime of photography. Years later she has built a proud portfolio featuring small to medium sized e-commerce businesses and a multinational recruitment company. 


Besides the pocket money, the nice thing about photography and eventually videography was the therapy away from uni work, albeit ironic with more work.  

But it was thankfully never work. Rather a line to the past all the way to little Michelle on the Hockey pitch letting the camera timer count down 3, 2, 1. Welcome to the...





a meditation of what it means to come home. inspired by the north american tradition of highschool homecoming welcoming students back from summer.


do we come home the same?


what is home?


how possible is it to uproot your life and find another home?


coming home is a journey as much as leaving is. 



what is home?

"heros don't return the same"

i am coming home









i am home coming








i am home

Inspired by my study abroad experience in Canada and America. Despite living in similar western milieu there are inextricable differences between North America and Australia. 











red over blue smoking away the hues.









on another night in shifen. 





yin feng. wake.




hurling over the choked skies, wishes with empty replies.





rattle. rattle. RATTLE. RATTTLLEE. WHOOSH. silent.










train every so hour, don't forget your flower.




"are we not passengers?"

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