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  • Writer's pictureMichelle Dang

Personal Analytics.

Saw this article: whilst looking into some big data trends and read into the fringe community of technophiles, known as the quantified-self movement, have been equipping their bodies with sensors, pedometers, even implanted glucose monitors.

Because of a debilitating fear of needles, I won't be transplanting anything to the extreme but also want to do some mini personal analytics for example on my finances. Predicting how much I'll be spending and creating limits to alert me when I'm reaching my cap. Similar to back in 2010s when I was on a 1GB data plan for my Nokia brick phone.

Initial thoughts: API from my banks - definitely will cause a bit of a ruckus so maybe have to manually input everything from csv. files. Categorising maybe daily expenses/ essentials, splurgy activities, and bills. Maybe I can somehow incorporate the 50-30-20 rule popularised by Senator Elizabeth Warren.

More on this soon. For now EXAMS AHH.

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